About Us

Our story

Our organization was founded by clinical psychologist Dr. John Drimmer who has taught positive psychology at UCLA's medical school. He has also studied how to inspire and nurture fulfillment and engagement. Before becoming a psychologist, he was a producer at 60 minutes.

For years John Drimmer beleived that the Hero's Journey, as developed by Josesph Campbell, had the potential to help people discover the lost hero within - but a tool that needed to be adapted so people could put it to use.

He started Hero's Journey Interactive to support his clients who wanted to focus their goals and enrich their self-awareness.

At first he offered it in person in his office. In the early days he worked with decks of images and guided meditation. His clients made advances and they credited their work with the Hero's Journey. As the project grew, other therapists began to use it with their clients. Friends asked if they could try it on their own. It took off. Dr. John Drimmer formed the Hero's Journey Interactive to redesign his Hero's Journey project so it could be used by anyone on the internet. We've worked together with Dr. Drimmer for three years, testing and refining HJI through research, experiementation, and feedback.

We're a team of psychologists, filmmakers, educators, software designers, and...

Dr. John Drimmer
Dr. John Drimmer, Psy.D

Chief Navigator and Founder

Dr. Barbara Osborn
Dr. Barbara Osborn, PhD

Educational Director

Conor Keenan
Conor Keenan, MFA

Director of Production+Alchemy

Jen Merrit
Jen Merrit

Chief Community Builder

Scott Ford
Scott Ford

Design Director

Cecilia Trip
Cecilia Tripp

Social Media Guru

Annah Ramones
Annah Ramones

Chief Programmer

Hein Jeong
Hein Jeong

Chief Programmer

Luis F.
Luis Fonseca

Full Stack Developer

Interested in joining the team?

If you'd like to become part of our movement, and perhaps help it grow please contact us at info@herosjourneyinteractive.com. We are interested in your feedback and building our community of journeyers.