Our Journeys

Experience epic meditation with interactive videos that guide you through different therapeutic journeys. Research shows that they can boost your confidence and well-being.

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A spiritual retreat without the high cost

Your Three Journeys

Hero's Journey® Interactive has divided the traditional Hero's Journey® concept into three smaller adventures
- each journey building on the last.

What Is Calling You?

In the first journey, you find yourself alone in an empty museum honoring the great heroes and heroines of history. You face challenges that reveal what's missing from your life and what you must do to start your hero's journey.

The Quest

You leave the safety of your old life and enter a magical wood. You face tests and trials. You meet a mentor who sees deep into you, and helps you understand the lessons you most need to learn.

The Final Climb

In the third journey, you make the most important discovery of all and free yourself from the force that has been holding you back. You're ready now to find the treasure you seek.

When you're ready to start

Find a time and place where you won't be interrupted for an hour.

Afterwards, you will receive a series of psychological prompts to deepen your self-growth.

Each journey includes field notes, progress reports, and journal prompts that provide you with a personal record of your discoveries.

How the journeys help you grow

Increase in Personal Growth Initiative by 123%

This test predicts a broad variety of improvements in: career, relationships, healthy living, and even progress in therapy. Our users' scores rose progressively after each journey.

Meaning in Life scores increased by 73%

Getting a higher score on this test means you are much more likely to be fulfilled, happy, and have a positive self-appraisal.

The Hero's Journey

Hero's Journey® Interactive enables you to explore your own life as a hero's journey. What will your journey hold?

Recognized around the world as one of the greath paths to growth and wisdom, it inspired Hero's Journey® Interactive. You can find it in our greatest legends and myths, and it is alive today in everything from Star Wars to Harry Potter. Now you can learn its lessons.
